Yeast Infections & The Outdoors: How to Properly Go About It

Female Personal Hygiene Tips When Hiking, Travel, Camping, and more

No one talks about the struggle some women (and other people too) experience while hiking, camping, traveling, or doing anything outside. For that matter, some women may not even know. Find out how your yeast infections might be linked to outdoor activities.

Yeast Infections & The Outdoors: How to Properly Go About It


Source credit: Hendrik Morkel


Camping offers a wonderful escape into nature, allowing you to disconnect from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. However, maintaining personal hygiene while camping can be challenging, especially for women, I've been there plenty of times now. 

When I was on the road for 6 weeks, I was in Vancouver, Canada and I caught a yeast infection. Having a yeast infection when in another country is not the most fun; but luckily for me, I was heading back to Washington within a couple of days where I got medical treatment. 

Fast foward to today, I am currently treating chronic candida in my body and sadly, the great outdoors did not help. Let me further explain. In March 2023, I had my first episode of a vaginal bacterial and fungal infection (bacterial vaginosis and yeast infections), since then I have had around 10 more infections and I got them every time I was on the road in my Airstream. Why? 

The short answer. Candida.


Source credit: Masakazu Sasaki

Candida is a natural fungus present in the human body and there are about 200 different species. When there is too much candida present in the body, infections can occur. Many people treat their infections with over-the-counter products or prescribed medications and those infections die off and we never get another infection any time soon (or maybe every once in a while). For some people, the infection never dies and comes back again and again, like myself along with plenty of other people have experienced.

Here's the problem. For those of us who struggle with constant candida infections, let me first tell you the issue is not with your vagina, it is your intestine. When the flora of the intestines are abnormal, it eventually effects the female vagina, resulting in yeast infections (men can also have yeast infections, they're symptoms are less obvious). When we use a prescribed antibiotic to kill the candida fungus, it also kills all the good bacteria along with it, so candida can and will grow back, thus making you end up in a constant cycle of feeling fatigue and catching yeast infections.

For some of us, stressful or overwhelming environments can also trigger the overgrowth of candida. This is what was happening for me. Solo traveling with an Airstream can be exhausting sometimes and when I did not give myself enough time to recover, my immune system compromised.

There are a lot of women who catch yeast infections when long distance hiking, plenty who catch yeast infections on the river or at the lake when camping or doing anything outdoors. The reality is some of our body are sensitive to certain foods and environments, so it is important to try to keep a close track as to when you seem to catch yeast infections.

Here are a few of my symptoms, but everyone does experience different things, so do more research and work with your doctor. I worked very closely with my NP for a year and a half and she did an incredible job at taking notes and ordering tests so I could keep close track of my symptoms and so that later down the line, I would not have a doctor reluctent to believe my story. I would advise to do the same if you have a similar experience.

  • Monthly then to bi-weely yeast infections and bacterial vaginosis for 8 months
  • Tired/Sleepy/Fatigue
  • Unmotivated at times
  • Rashes lasting for months
  • Brain fog

Here's the long term problem. Candida is a living organism, which means it releases a toxin called Candidalysin that damages cells that play an critical role in combating inflamation and preventing diseases from progressing. This means, with time unresolved Candida can effect the body where your odds increase for developing cancer, diabieties, and more.

So what's the answer?

Ultimately antibiotics will kill off any infection, BUT it is important to feed your body back with healthy prebiotics and probiotics. I was given an antibiotic for 5 days and 2-3 hours after taking the antibiotic, I would take an Acidophilus Probiotic for digestive health (an over-the-counter probiotic) since yeast infections start in the intestine. Of course, please check with your doctor.

Please be aware, an overgrowth of Candida is not always something doctors think is a problem, so if you truly do believe you are suffering from this, you need to be your own advicate.

I told my OB/GYN my symptoms, story, and how I thought I had an overgrowth of Candida and she said only people with leukemia have high growths of Candida. My test results can back positive for Candida (even though I had no symptoms) and I started a 3 week, nightly vaginal cream treatment.

It didn't work. Then, one day my mom walks in with an herbal remedy book. I started reading about foods and herbs that naturally contain antifungal and antibacterial properties to help combact and eventually manage Candida.

How to Prevent Yeast Infections When Hiking, Camping, Traveling, etc.


Source credit: Stefan Heurterre

The short answer, start taking superfoods!

Biotin and magnesium are two important vitamins that help weaken Candida. Biotin works by inhibiting Candida's transformation so it can be invaded more easily, while magnesium specifically impairs Candida albicans immune evasion. Folic acid

There are also certain foods that contain antifungal and antibacterial properties to help control Candida. Oregon oil, garlic, black walnut hulls, tumeric root, and grapefruit seed extract are just a few natural ingredients that help control Candida. So, it is entirely possible to prevent yeast infections from happening when hiking by incorporating these vitamins and foods into your everyday diet

This is what I use to combate yeast infections when hiking, camping, relaxing on the water, or traveling on the road

Preventing yeast infections when hiking or doing anything outdoor is important for your overall health and mood! Natural foods that contain antifungal and antibacterial can assit in maintain healthy gut and vaginal flora.

Liver Cleansing Herbs  


Source credit: Marc Pell

One last thing I want to discuss is are liver detox herbs. When I was first diagnosed with chronic Candida, I started a 6 week flucanzole treatment (that failed in the 5th week). Being on any medication for a long time does have an effect on your liver. The liver 'converts the nutrients in our diets into substances that the body can use, stores these substances, and supplies cells with them when needed'. Thus, it is not ideal for flucanzole to be runnning through your liver. Luckily enough, there are liver cleansing herbs to help clean out your digestive system and your body functioning properly without having recurrent yeast infections.

Liver Cleansing Herbs & Detox Herbs:

  • Oregaon Grape Root
  • Milk thistle
  • Dandelion Root
  • Ginger Root
  • Turmeric
  • Liquorice
  • Artichoke

Liver detox herbs offer a lot of great natural remedies to start making sure your organs are functioning properly and clean of anything hurting it.

Here is also a mix of liver cleansing herbs you can buy online. These are also easily available at local healthy grocery stores (Whole Foods, Sprouts, etc.). A cleanse may be something you might want to look into to help control proper bacteria and fungus levels in your stomach and liver.

Liver Cleansing Herbal Blend:

Herbal Tea For Liver Detox

The Main Point?

The main point I am trying to get across is that a lot of everyday, minor health issues like yeast infections can be prevented by taking making sure our bodies have the right vitamins and minerals they need and all of this can be achieved with natural remedies. 

Herbs are also helpful in combating fungi and bacteria. Liver detox herbs are helpful in getting the liver to absorb healthy ingredients. 

For some of us, our bodies may be at a point where medication is required, but talk to your doctor and maybe certain natural supplements can help your everyday mood and performance. 

You should have to be concerned about catching a yeast infection when hiking, camping, on the road, traveling, or anything in your life!

Of course I am NOT saying you have an overgrowth of Candida. I do not know the life you live. I am simply sharing my story in hope it can help prevent some women from catching yeast infections when hiking or camping or relaxing by the river.

Once again, please talk to a professional about this. I am not a doctor, but I did graduate from UC Berkeley and discussed this matter intensely with healthcare professionals and other women with shared experiences, so I have tried to approach this topic from the most logical, educational standpoint possible, but I am human and I do have bias, so please ask around.  

More Important Female Personal Hygiene Tips When Camping

With limited facilities and exposure to the elements, it’s crucial to stay clean and comfortable. Here are essential female personal hygiene tips to ensure a pleasant and healthy camping experience.

1. Portable Hygiene Supplies


  • Pack a travel-sized hygiene kit including biodegradable soap, hand sanitizer, wet wipes, and a quick-drying towel.
  • Bring a menstrual hygiene kit with your preferred sanitary products, disposal bags, and a small pouch for discreet storage.
  • Consider a portable bidet or peri bottle for easy and effective cleaning.

2. Menstrual Care 


  • Use menstrual cups or reusable pads for a sustainable and practical option. These are easy to clean and reduce waste.
  • If using disposable products, bring sealable plastic bags to pack out used items.
  • Wash your hands thoroughly before and after handling menstrual products.

3. Intimate Hygiene 


  • Clean the intimate area with water daily. Avoid harsh soaps that can disrupt the natural pH balance.
  • Use wet wipes specifically designed for intimate hygiene if water is scarce.
  • Wear breathable cotton underwear and change them daily to prevent moisture buildup.

4. Hand Hygiene 


  • Use hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol when soap and water aren’t available.
  • Wash hands with biodegradable soap and water whenever possible, particularly before meals and after using the restroom.
  • Keep nails trimmed and clean to avoid harboring dirt and bacteria.

5. Oral Hygiene 


  • Brush your teeth at least twice a day with a travel-sized toothbrush and toothpaste.
  • Use water from a clean source or carry bottled water for brushing and rinsing.
  • Pack dental floss to remove food particles and plaque between teeth.

6. Body Hygiene 


  • Take sponge baths with a quick-drying towel, water, and biodegradable soap if showers are unavailable.
  • Use wet wipes for a quick refresh, focusing on areas prone to sweat.
  • Change into clean clothes daily and store dirty clothes in a separate bag to avoid contamination.

7. Hair Care 


  • Use dry shampoo to absorb excess oil and refresh your hair without water.
  • Pack a wide-tooth comb to detangle hair and reduce breakage.
  • Wear a hat or bandana to protect your hair from dirt and sun exposure.

8. Foot Care 


  • Wash your feet daily and dry them thoroughly, especially between the toes, to prevent fungal infections.
  • Bring breathable, moisture-wicking socks and change them regularly.
  • Wear comfortable, supportive shoes that are suitable for the terrain.

9. Hydration and Diet 


  • Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated, especially in hot or strenuous conditions.
  • Carry a reusable water bottle and use water purification tablets or filters if necessary.
  • Eat a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains to maintain energy and health.

10. Proper Waste Disposal 


  • Pack out all trash, including hygiene products, in sealable bags.
  • Follow Leave No Trace principles to minimize your impact on the environment.
  • Use designated restroom facilities or dig a cat hole at least 6-8 inches deep and 200 feet away from water sources to bury human waste.


Maintaining personal hygiene while camping is essential for your health, comfort, and enjoyment of the outdoors. I hope by sharing my story, I provided some sort of information into your life and maybe why you catch yeast infections when hiking. Please talk to a medical professional about herbal remedies and liver detox herbs. 

The subsequent information about female personal hygiene tips can help you can stay fresh, clean, and confident throughout your camping trip. Pack smart, stay prepared, and enjoy the beauty of nature with peace of mind. Happy camping! 


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Hello! My name is Jolea and I am a recent college graduate of UC Berkeley. After graduating, I realized I didn't want to face the pressure of finding a job and building a stable career so immediately after college. Instead, I dreamed about traveling the country on my own to learn more about myself and the world I live in. I am fortunate enough to have my family and friends' support of my to help me reach my goals!