Airstream Life: How Living in An Airstream for 6 weeks changed my life

Airstreaming from San Diego to Vancouver, Canada and everything inbetween

For those of us who are full-time RVers or Airstreaming, you can understand how life on the road is unpredictable, yet fun! Imagine if your RV travel lifestyle was different. What would change? Would you go by yourself? Are there places you would be more likely to see? Traveling alone in an Airstream for 6 weeks allowed me to ask myself those question and yes, my perspective on life has changed, but thankfully for the better.

Living an RV life like a pro is ideal for most RVers or campers. But of course, a "pro" RV life is subjective and everyone's definition will differ. While I would no where near claim I am a "pro" after driving by myself from San Diego to Canada, I would like to say I learned a lot on how socities opperate and my own personal preferences.

How Living in an Airstream for 6 Weeks Changed My Life

Spending six weeks living in an Airstream transformed my perspective on life in ways I never imagined. What started as an adventure turned into a profound journey of self-discovery, realizations, and newfound freedom. Here’s how this experience changed my life and why it might be the reset you need.

1. Cities are different, but the people are the same


When living in an Airstream, you have the freedom to travel to any city or state your heart desires. Upon going to new cities you find out there are a lot of similar people everywhere, but there are also quite a bit of different new people you've never met. 

  • Be friendly: As you should with anyone you meet, be friendly because you never know what will come from it (good Karma is a thing). I understand that sometimes being in a new city can make you put your guard up which is fair, but make sure to bring that guard down to welcome amazing people into your life that you would not have otherwise. 
  • Be honest: The fasted way to assimulate into any culture is to be honest and DO NOT act like you know everything. Admit that you are new, that you need help, or that you don't know because everyone has been in one of those positions before (if not all of them). Of course, there will always be that select amount who will make you feel bad about your cluelessness, but just because they woke up on the wrong side of the bed does not mean you have to!

2. Take Time to Discover Nature


Spending time in nature was one of the most transformative aspects of living in an Airstream. The fact you wake up almost everyday in a completely new environment is so exciting for me. 

  • Natural Beauty: Waking up to stunning landscapes, from serene lakes to majestic mountains, was a daily reminder of nature's beauty. This constant exposure to the outdoors fostered a deep sense of peace and well-being. It forces you to absorb and fully appreciate the beautiful things around you. 
  • Outdoor Activities: Hiking, biking, and kayaking became regular activities. The physical exercise and fresh air improved my health and happiness. I felt more connected to the environment and motivated to protect it. For me, I would not have discovered so many fun outdoor activites if it weren't for starting this Airstream living!

3. Build a Strong Sense of Community


Despite traveling alone, I discovered a vibrant and welcoming Airstream community. They may not always be Airstreamers I run into but so many people in the RV community are amazingly kind. 

  • New Friendships: Meeting fellow Airstreamers at campgrounds and RV parks led to new friendships and shared experiences. This community was supportive, offering advice, assistance, and camaraderie.
  • Shared Stories: The stories and tips exchanged around campfires created a sense of belonging and connection. It was comforting to know that others shared similar passions and challenges.

4. Understanding Personal Growth and Independence


Living in an Airstream required a high degree of self-reliance and problem-solving. Seperate from learning how to tow and back up a trailer, issues will arise and you have to solve them (unless you don't want hot water throughout your trip). 

  • Learning New Skills: From maintaining the Airstream to navigating new locations, I learned practical skills that boosted my confidence and independence. I have met so many women much oldr than me who are so impressed I can drive and back up a trailer, but I always look at it like, 'if I can do it, you can do it.'
  • Facing Challenges: Overcoming obstacles, such as mechanical issues or finding suitable campsites, taught me resilience and adaptability. Each challenge was an opportunity to grow and improve. I have had plenty (none of them bad) issues or inconviences that has caused delays and that's just life! You have to learn how to adapt quickly. 

5. Experiencing Freedom and Flexibility


The freedom and flexibility of Airstream living were unparalleled. There have been plenty of times when whenever I am at the end of trip, I always try to extend it or start planning the next one. The freedom is adicting and honestly, that was probably one of the least things I expected to feel. 

  • Travel at Your Own Pace: I could explore new destinations at my own pace, without the constraints of a fixed schedule. This freedom allowed for spontaneous adventures and discoveries.
  • Breaking the Routine: The change of scenery and routine broke the monotony of everyday life. Each day brought new experiences and excitement, keeping life fresh and engaging. Plus, it is nice when you are tired and beat up and taking a nice slow day off sounds ideal. 

6. Fostering Mindfulness and Presence


Living in an Airstream encouraged mindfulness and presence in the moment. After 6 weeks of driving to Canada, I promise you I came back much more calm and relaxed because life at home is no where near comparable to life on the road. 

  • Digital Detox: Limited internet access in remote areas helped me disconnect from digital distractions. This allowed for deeper reflection and a focus on the present moment. Or for that matter, even time to read books, play board game, and do other hands-on activites. 
  • Mindful Living: The simplicity and closeness to nature fostered a mindful approach to daily activities, from cooking meals to exploring new trails. I became more aware of my surroundings and actions.


Living in an Airstream for six weeks was a life-changing experience that taught me the value of minimalism, the beauty of nature, the strength of community, and the power of personal growth. It provided a sense of freedom and adventure that is hard to find in a conventional lifestyle. If you’re seeking a change, a break from the routine, or a chance to reconnect with yourself and the world around you, consider embarking on an Airstream journey. It might just be the transformation you need. 


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Hello! My name is Jolea and I am a recent college graduate of UC Berkeley. After graduating, I realized I didn't want to face the pressure of finding a job and building a stable career so immediately after college. Instead, I dreamed about traveling the country on my own to learn more about myself and the world I live in. I am fortunate enough to have my family and friends' support of my to help me reach my goals!