20 Beginner Hiking Tips I wish I knew

Looking how to improve your hiking game as a beginner? I'll provide you will tips I wish I knew before hiking!

Everyone starts somewhere, but with 20 beginner hiking tips, you might be off to a better start than others. Sometimes it takes people weeks, months, or years to convince themselves to buy something that would have made their hiking experience far more positive. Remember, just because you are a beginner does not mean you can't dress or look the part! Luckily the hiking community is welcoming and friendly where all walks of life are always welcome.

Everyone starts somewhere, but sometimes starting a new activity as a complete beginner with no guidance (i.e., hiking friends/family/etc.) it can be difficult to know exactly where to start and what are essential items and extra items you may not need. Beginner hiking tips are useful in making you feel a little more confident when you head out on the trails.

To save yourself time and embaressment I put together a list of 20 beginner hiking tips I wish I knew before starting. I've gone through some ups and down; but nonetheless, I am safe and whole. Of course, everyone's experience is different depending on how they were introduced to certain activities, so remember to be kind on yourself and realize everyday you try, you get a little bit better.

20 Beginner Hiking Tips

1. Hydrate before/during/and after the hike

I cannot stress this enough how important it is to drink water before, during, and after your hike.

2. Buy a hydration pack

Hydration packs can be expensive if you get a nice one, but for a decent one you can get away spending $25. These are great so you do not have to hold your water bottle and instead you are hands free! You will not regret this purchase--I know have 3.

3. Follow proper hiking trail etiquette

When someone is hiking uphill and you are hiking downhill, let them pass. Follow the correct direction of the trail. Hikers should yield to horses, but bikers will yield to hikers and horses. Say hello other hikers on the trail. Stay on the trail and do not distrupt wildlife. Leave no trash!

4. Buy sun protective clothing

Sun protective clothing is especially helpful on sunny hiking days, but also any sunny day for that matter. It is very important to protect your skin if you are going to be hiking for a few hours. Besides that, you will get hot and Columbia offers a line of protective clothing gear with cooling technology as you sweat.

5. Make a hiking preparation checklist

To make sure you have everything, slowly start gathering a list of everything you will need for your hike. That way you are not scrammbling at the last minute. Some helpful items might include a first-aid kit, chapstick, sunscreen, sunglasses, etc.

6. Bring plenty of snacks

Depending on how long of a hike you go on and how much you eat before the hike, it is always wise to carry more snack than not enough. Grab apple sauce pouches, granola bars, crackers, trail mix, whatever is easy, healthy, and fuels you up!

7. Ladies, buy a pee funnel

It sounds silly I know, but trust me it is way better than peeing down your leg into your socks. They work great and are super easy to clean and fold away!

8. Bring hand wipes

Your hands can get dirty depending where you are hiking, but in general it is never a bad idea to keep these handy for after you use the bathroom or when you are ready to have a snack.

9. Buy the Best Waterproof Hiking Boots

Again, this is another purchase you will not regret when you step in a muddy puddle and your toes stay dry. Life happens, so be ready. 

10. Bring an empty bag for trash (follow etiquette)

Never leave trash behind on a beautiful nature trail. You are ruining it for other hikers.

11. Take breaks!

Do not expect to go as fast as you see other people on the trail because it does not matter! Go at you pace and stop when you need to.

12. Chest up

Make sure to keep your chest up and shoulders back so you are breathing in as much air as you can without feeling contristiced. Remember, your muscles needs oxygen to perform, so make sure you are breathing. When you are hiking uphill, make sure to keep that chest upright!

13. Hinge hips when hiking uphill

This one may take a while to understand, but when you are hiking uphill, hinge your hips forward and stick your glutes slightly outwards (not too far out). This, will engage your hamstrings as well as glute so your quads will not feel the burn as badly.

14. Take allergy medicine

If you are like me, pollen is one of your worst enemies. So, to save yourself from a sneeze attack, make sure to take some daytime allergy medicine so you feel great all throughout the hike.

15. Listen to you body

This one is hard to do sometimes (I've been there), but when you are not feeling well or your head hurts or anything is off, stop and turn around. Your health is far more important than completing a trial. There's plenty more trails.

16. Admire nature's beauty

As cheesy as that may sounds, there is a relaxing element to nature, birds, the wind blowing, and the various shades of green and other colors you see. You will slowly start to find a comforting peace in being out in nature.

17. Buy a cooling towel

These are great for hot summer hikes or anytime you are overheating and need a little cool off. Just pour some water on the towel and it will do a great job in cooling you down.

18. Consider buying trekking poles for harder hikes

I did not believe I needed these for the longest time because I am young. Age has nothing to do with anything! Trekking poles are great because they keep you arms at a 90 degree angle for good blood flow and help with stability when the trail terrian because rough. 

19. Refuel after the hike

When you are done it is so important you feed your body a well-balanced meal. If you are going to eat out, tacos or suhsi are always great, healthier options. If you are cooking at home, aim for high protein like chicken breast, vegetables, and a whole grain carb.

20. Stretch!

This is one of the most beneficial things you can do for your body when you are done with any exercise and not often enough is it emphazied. When you are done either right before getting into the car or when you get home, make sure you stretch your hip flexors, quads, hamstrings, shoulders, etc. You will NOT regret it in the morning.

I hope these beginner hiking tips help!

I hope at least a few of these beginner hiking tips can be useful to my readers out there. These were my top tips in things I wish I knew before hiking as a beginner, but at least I got here now!

If you are a beginner and you are looking on how to find hiking groups, check out these 5 options to find hiking groups near you so you can enjoy the great outdoors with new friends!

How to Find Hiking Groups

1. Huck and other apps

Huck is an app that allows people to find other fellow hikers based on similar skillsets. You can find the perfect hiking group for your needs too!

2. Meetup 

Meetup is great website where you can find local events, activites, and groups for all sorts of interests. You will not have a hard time finding hiking groups on Meetup.

3. Join a rock climbing gym

People who rock climb are generally incredibly welcoming and kind. They are always looking for fun activities are need a partner to do so, so it is never a bad place to meet someone new.

4. Clubs/Organizations

You can find plenty of local clubs and organizations in your city just by typing in 'hiking clubs near me'.

5. Start a conversation with a fellow solo hiker

I have met a plenty of people when hiking and they are always so wonderful to talk to and hear their story while also have something to take your mind off the hike.

Conclusion on Beginner Hiking Tips

No matter your skill level, everyone has a right to be in nature and go hiking. Remember to treat people the same way you would want to be treated on the trails and try to come as prepared as possible to make your experience as enjoyable as possible. I hope this list of beginner hiking Tips that I wish I knew can be useful to anyone just starting out!

Ups and downs are bound to happen when hiking, but the least you can do it be ready for it!

Happy hiking and stay safe!


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Hello! My name is Jolea and I am a recent college graduate of UC Berkeley. After graduating, I realized I didn't want to face the pressure of finding a job and building a stable career so immediately after college. Instead, I dreamed about traveling the country on my own to learn more about myself and the world I live in. I am fortunate enough to have my family and friends' support of my to help me reach my goals!